Bad Radiator Cap Symptoms

May 17, 2023 | Damage repair, Mechanical | 0 comments


If your car is having problems that resemble radiator problems it could be due to a bad radiator cap. A bad radiator cap can cause the same problems as a broken radiator. Here are the signs.


Check Engine Light is on

This is an early indicator that there’s something unexpected happening with your engine. Have a technician run diagnostics on your engine codes to determine what is wrong. There are several issues that could indicate why your check engine light is on. If you’re wondering if it’s a broken radiator or a bad radiator cap see if you have some of the other issues listed below. 

Why is my Check Engine Light on?

Why is my check engine light on +

Your Car is Overheating

Overheating Sensors, steam, heat, smoke are all indicators that your engine is overheating. Do not drive if your car is overheating. An overheating engine is a fire hazard because your car runs on elements of combustion. If it’s hot don’t throw water on it. This could crack your engine components from the rapid temperature change. Pull over and check your coolant. Look for leaks. Let your engine cool and call your Des Moines mechanic at Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations.


Your Car is Leaking Coolant

If you look under your car and you see a bright green liquid or an orange liquid you have a coolant leak. Keep extra coolant on hand. Check your coolant levels before operating your vehicle. Schedule an appointment with Truman’s to avoid serious issues. 


Check your radiator cap for leaking coolant

Pressure can build inside the radiator and cause it to leak if you have coolant near the radiator or radiator cap you have a leak. 


Your Radiator Cap is Worn or Damaged

If you’re wondering might as well take a look at the radiator cap. Does it have holes? Does it look damaged? Is the cap on right? If you see wear and tear, replace your faulty radiator cap.


Can I replace the radiator cap while the car is on?

Don’t remove the radiator cap while the engine is hot or on. Let the car cool down to avoid burns. The coolant can spray out at scalding temperatures. If the car is overheating it will take some time, turn the car off and let the engine cool. 


I’ve replaced my broken radiator cap, now what?

You’ll still want to get your radiator and cooling system checked out with an auto technician. If you’ve driven a while with a broken radiator cap you could have other issues such as collapsed radiator hoses.


Collapsed Radiator Hose

Check your radiator hoses if you’re having any broken radiator symptoms. If your radiator cap is bad it could cause issues with the pressure, causing the vacuum to not release properly. This can  collapse the radiator hose while it’s cooling. Check the cap and replace it.

There’s Air in the Radiator

Air in your radiator’s cooling system can be an indicator of a broken radiator cap. This air can come from leaks in the radiator cap, the hose, or other areas. Air pockets can disrupt the pressure, the heating core. If your car’s engine is overheating, air in your cooling system could be the cause. Have a mechanic run a pressure test on your radiator and check the radiator cap, hose, and cooling components of your radiator. 


Schedule your radiator cap check with Truman’s

There’s a lot of reasons why your vehicle is overheating. We want our drivers to feel safe and be able to give us a call if they’re worried. Overall, we’ll tell you don’t risk driving an overheating car. 

Be Safe on the Road with Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations

If you’re a business owner and have multiple vehicles we’ll help you keep your employees safe and prevent downtime. Downtime is a major expense for business owners. Don’t worry about buying a new model, you need a local mechanic that will prioritize your fleet so you can get in and out without losing work. That’s Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations. Ask us about fleet perks for business owners. 


Bad Radiator Symptoms