Get Your Vehicle Winter-Ready This Thanksgiving!

Nov 22, 2023 | Holiday | 0 comments

Get Your Vehicle Winter-Ready with Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations This Thanksgiving!

Celebrate Thanksgiving with a Safe and Reliable Vehicle

As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisper, Thanksgiving is just around the corner in Des Moines, Iowa. It’s a time for gratitude, family gatherings, and, of course, the much-anticipated Thanksgiving feast. But amidst the festivities, it’s also crucial to remember the importance of preparing for the winter ahead, especially when it comes to your vehicle. At Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations, we’re here to ensure your car is as ready for the holiday season as you are!

Pre-Winter Checkups for a Smooth Season

Thanksgiving marks the perfect time to give your vehicle a pre-winter checkup. The last thing anyone wants is car trouble when it’s freezing outside or when you’re on your way to a family gathering. Our expert team at Truman’s Automotive is dedicated to providing comprehensive vehicle checkups to ensure your safety and comfort during the colder months.

All-Season Tires: Your Key to Safe Winter Driving

One of the key aspects of winterizing your car is ensuring you have the right tires for the season. All-season tires are a fantastic option for the varied weather conditions we experience in Des Moines. These tires are designed to handle wet roads and moderate snow, providing you with better traction and stability. At Truman’s, we not only check your tire tread depth but also offer a range of all-season tires suited to your vehicle and driving habits.

Comprehensive Vehicle Inspection for a Worry-Free Winter

Our pre-winter checkup also includes a thorough inspection of your vehicle’s battery, brakes, lights, and heating system. We understand the importance of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) calibration, especially during winter when driving conditions can be unpredictable. Our technicians are skilled in ADAS calibration, ensuring that your vehicle’s safety features are functioning correctly. We offer the ADAS check as an optional service.

This Thanksgiving, while you’re giving thanks and enjoying the company of loved ones, let us take care of your vehicle. Book your pre-winter checkup at Truman’s Automotive & ADAS Calibrations today, and drive into the holiday season with confidence and peace of mind.

Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels from all of us at Truman’s Automotive! 🍁🚗🔧

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